Other Ministries and Events:
VBS- During the summer, usually in mid-June, Cornerstone runs some form of a Vacation Bible School. Some years we have run VBS at the church and some have been at the sports complex in town for our soccer camp. No matter where or how we run it, the mission is the same --to teach boys and girls about their hope in Christ! Stay tuned for what is in store at the next VBS!
Christmas Eve Service - At 5:00pm on Christmas Eve our children's department puts on a program that is sure to be a blessing- and also very cute! Join us this Christmas Eve. What a great way to bring in the Christmas holiday!
Special Concerts- Through the years, Cornerstone has had the opportunity to host many special musical guests who, not only share their talents, but also share their passion for Christ. Stay connected, so you won't miss the next great concert!
Immanuel's Child- Slavic Gospel Association has had a yearly Christmas event called Immanuel's Child and Cornerstone has taken part in this event for many years. Immanuel's Child is a program where American churches have the opportunity to donate towards giving a Russian Child Christmas. Your donations go towards gifts, needed toiletries, and a Russian Bible. Be watching every October for the promotion of Immanuel's Child.
BPS Collating project- Bearing Precious Seed is a ministry that produces Scriptures in many languages and sends them out all over the world. Cornerstone has been able to help this ministry by running "Seedline" collating events. These events are a great help to this ministry and a great time of fellowship whikle we work on folding, stuffing, stapling and cutting John and Romans testaments. You won't want to miss the next "Seedline" weekend event.